빵 사길 원하는 시민을 위해 에스코트를 해준 경찰

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[content] => 빵 많이 샀네 ㅎㅎ
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[wr_content] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes.
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[content1] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes.
[content] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes. [is_secret] => [date] => 1684879973 [datetime] => 23-05-24 07:12 [best] => [ip] => 121.♡.224.143 [is_reply] => [is_edit] => [is_del] => ) [3] => Array ( [wr_id] => 737998 [wr_num] => -205524 [wr_reply] => [wr_parent] => 737749 [wr_is_comment] => 1 [wr_comment] => 3 [wr_comment_reply] => [ca_name] => [wr_option] => [wr_subject] => [wr_content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ [wr_link1] => [wr_link2] => [wr_link1_hit] => 0 [wr_link2_hit] => 0 [wr_hit] => 0 [wr_good] => 0 [wr_nogood] => 0 [mb_id] => naver_8b00082e [wr_password] => *A092AE52014E4D76C4E9EFA44E21E7127D7FEACD [wr_name] => 마선생님요 [wr_email] => [wr_homepage] => [wr_datetime] => 2023-05-24 07:08:40 [wr_file] => 0 [wr_last] => [wr_ip] => [wr_facebook_user] => [wr_twitter_user] => [articleid] => [wr_1] => [wr_2] => [wr_3] => [wr_4] => [wr_5] => [wr_6] => [wr_7] => [wr_8] => [wr_9] => [wr_10] => [as_type] => 0 [as_shingo] => 0 [as_img] => 0 [as_list] => 0 [as_publish] => 0 [as_extra] => 0 [as_extend] => 0 [as_level] => 124 [as_download] => 0 [as_down] => 0 [as_view] => 0 [as_lucky] => 0 [as_poll] => 0 [as_star_score] => 0 [as_choice] => 0 [as_choice_cnt] => 0 [as_re_mb] => [as_re_name] => [as_tag] => [as_map] => [as_icon] => [as_thumb] => [as_video] => [as_update] => [as_star_cnt] => 1 [ast_read] => 0 [ast_adlist_edate] => 0 [ast_adtop_edate] => 0 [ast_extend] => [ast_ultra_extend] => [wr_besttime] => [name] =>
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[content1] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ
[content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ
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[content1] => 뒤에 나무가 머리카락인줄..{이모티콘:onion-133.gif:75}
[content] => 뒤에 나무가 머리카락인줄..
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[wr_content] => 이 사진도 꽤 됐죠. 저 친구 아직도 약하고 살려나...
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[content1] => 이 사진도 꽤 됐죠. 저 친구 아직도 약하고 살려나...
[content] => 이 사진도 꽤 됐죠. 저 친구 아직도 약하고 살려나...
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This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes. [is_secret] => [date] => 1684879973 [datetime] => 23-05-24 07:12 [best] => [ip] => 121.♡.224.143 [is_reply] => [is_edit] => [is_del] => ) [3] => Array ( [wr_id] => 737998 [wr_num] => -205524 [wr_reply] => [wr_parent] => 737749 [wr_is_comment] => 1 [wr_comment] => 3 [wr_comment_reply] => [ca_name] => [wr_option] => [wr_subject] => [wr_content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ [wr_link1] => [wr_link2] => [wr_link1_hit] => 0 [wr_link2_hit] => 0 [wr_hit] => 0 [wr_good] => 0 [wr_nogood] => 0 [mb_id] => naver_8b00082e [wr_password] => *A092AE52014E4D76C4E9EFA44E21E7127D7FEACD [wr_name] => 마선생님요 [wr_email] => [wr_homepage] => [wr_datetime] => 2023-05-24 07:08:40 [wr_file] => 0 [wr_last] => [wr_ip] => [wr_facebook_user] => [wr_twitter_user] => [articleid] => [wr_1] => [wr_2] => [wr_3] => [wr_4] => [wr_5] => [wr_6] => [wr_7] => [wr_8] => [wr_9] => [wr_10] => [as_type] => 0 [as_shingo] => 0 [as_img] => 0 [as_list] => 0 [as_publish] => 0 [as_extra] => 0 [as_extend] => 0 [as_level] => 124 [as_download] => 0 [as_down] => 0 [as_view] => 0 [as_lucky] => 0 [as_poll] => 0 [as_star_score] => 0 [as_choice] => 0 [as_choice_cnt] => 0 [as_re_mb] => [as_re_name] => [as_tag] => [as_map] => [as_icon] => [as_thumb] => [as_video] => [as_update] => [as_star_cnt] => 1 [ast_read] => 0 [ast_adlist_edate] => 0 [ast_adtop_edate] => 0 [ast_extend] => [ast_ultra_extend] => [wr_besttime] => [name] =>

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[content1] => 빵 많이 샀네 ㅎㅎ
[content] => 빵 많이 샀네 ㅎㅎ
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[wr_content] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes.
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[content1] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes.
[content] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes. [is_secret] => [date] => 1684879973 [datetime] => 23-05-24 07:12 [best] => [ip] => 121.♡.224.143 [is_reply] => [is_edit] => [is_del] => ) [3] => Array ( [wr_id] => 737998 [wr_num] => -205524 [wr_reply] => [wr_parent] => 737749 [wr_is_comment] => 1 [wr_comment] => 3 [wr_comment_reply] => [ca_name] => [wr_option] => [wr_subject] => [wr_content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ [wr_link1] => [wr_link2] => [wr_link1_hit] => 0 [wr_link2_hit] => 0 [wr_hit] => 0 [wr_good] => 0 [wr_nogood] => 0 [mb_id] => naver_8b00082e [wr_password] => *A092AE52014E4D76C4E9EFA44E21E7127D7FEACD [wr_name] => 마선생님요 [wr_email] => [wr_homepage] => [wr_datetime] => 2023-05-24 07:08:40 [wr_file] => 0 [wr_last] => [wr_ip] => [wr_facebook_user] => [wr_twitter_user] => [articleid] => [wr_1] => [wr_2] => [wr_3] => [wr_4] => [wr_5] => [wr_6] => [wr_7] => [wr_8] => [wr_9] => [wr_10] => [as_type] => 0 [as_shingo] => 0 [as_img] => 0 [as_list] => 0 [as_publish] => 0 [as_extra] => 0 [as_extend] => 0 [as_level] => 124 [as_download] => 0 [as_down] => 0 [as_view] => 0 [as_lucky] => 0 [as_poll] => 0 [as_star_score] => 0 [as_choice] => 0 [as_choice_cnt] => 0 [as_re_mb] => [as_re_name] => [as_tag] => [as_map] => [as_icon] => [as_thumb] => [as_video] => [as_update] => [as_star_cnt] => 1 [ast_read] => 0 [ast_adlist_edate] => 0 [ast_adtop_edate] => 0 [ast_extend] => [ast_ultra_extend] => [wr_besttime] => [name] =>
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[content1] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ
[content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ
[is_secret] =>
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[content1] => 뒤에 나무가 머리카락인줄..{이모티콘:onion-133.gif:75}
[content] => 뒤에 나무가 머리카락인줄..
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[date] => 1684866705
[datetime] => 23-05-24 03:31
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[content1] => 이 사진도 꽤 됐죠. 저 친구 아직도 약하고 살려나...
[content] => 이 사진도 꽤 됐죠. 저 친구 아직도 약하고 살려나...
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This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes. [is_secret] => [date] => 1684879973 [datetime] => 23-05-24 07:12 [best] => [ip] => 121.♡.224.143 [is_reply] => [is_edit] => [is_del] => ) [3] => Array ( [wr_id] => 737998 [wr_num] => -205524 [wr_reply] => [wr_parent] => 737749 [wr_is_comment] => 1 [wr_comment] => 3 [wr_comment_reply] => [ca_name] => [wr_option] => [wr_subject] => [wr_content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ [wr_link1] => [wr_link2] => [wr_link1_hit] => 0 [wr_link2_hit] => 0 [wr_hit] => 0 [wr_good] => 0 [wr_nogood] => 0 [mb_id] => naver_8b00082e [wr_password] => *A092AE52014E4D76C4E9EFA44E21E7127D7FEACD [wr_name] => 마선생님요 [wr_email] => [wr_homepage] => [wr_datetime] => 2023-05-24 07:08:40 [wr_file] => 0 [wr_last] => [wr_ip] => [wr_facebook_user] => [wr_twitter_user] => [articleid] => [wr_1] => [wr_2] => [wr_3] => [wr_4] => [wr_5] => [wr_6] => [wr_7] => [wr_8] => [wr_9] => [wr_10] => [as_type] => 0 [as_shingo] => 0 [as_img] => 0 [as_list] => 0 [as_publish] => 0 [as_extra] => 0 [as_extend] => 0 [as_level] => 124 [as_download] => 0 [as_down] => 0 [as_view] => 0 [as_lucky] => 0 [as_poll] => 0 [as_star_score] => 0 [as_choice] => 0 [as_choice_cnt] => 0 [as_re_mb] => [as_re_name] => [as_tag] => [as_map] => [as_icon] => [as_thumb] => [as_video] => [as_update] => [as_star_cnt] => 1 [ast_read] => 0 [ast_adlist_edate] => 0 [ast_adtop_edate] => 0 [ast_extend] => [ast_ultra_extend] => [wr_besttime] => [name] =>

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[content] => 빵 많이 샀네 ㅎㅎ
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[wr_content] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes.
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[content1] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes.
[content] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes. [is_secret] => [date] => 1684879973 [datetime] => 23-05-24 07:12 [best] => [ip] => 121.♡.224.143 [is_reply] => [is_edit] => [is_del] => ) [3] => Array ( [wr_id] => 737998 [wr_num] => -205524 [wr_reply] => [wr_parent] => 737749 [wr_is_comment] => 1 [wr_comment] => 3 [wr_comment_reply] => [ca_name] => [wr_option] => [wr_subject] => [wr_content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ [wr_link1] => [wr_link2] => [wr_link1_hit] => 0 [wr_link2_hit] => 0 [wr_hit] => 0 [wr_good] => 0 [wr_nogood] => 0 [mb_id] => naver_8b00082e [wr_password] => *A092AE52014E4D76C4E9EFA44E21E7127D7FEACD [wr_name] => 마선생님요 [wr_email] => [wr_homepage] => [wr_datetime] => 2023-05-24 07:08:40 [wr_file] => 0 [wr_last] => [wr_ip] => [wr_facebook_user] => [wr_twitter_user] => [articleid] => [wr_1] => [wr_2] => [wr_3] => [wr_4] => [wr_5] => [wr_6] => [wr_7] => [wr_8] => [wr_9] => [wr_10] => [as_type] => 0 [as_shingo] => 0 [as_img] => 0 [as_list] => 0 [as_publish] => 0 [as_extra] => 0 [as_extend] => 0 [as_level] => 124 [as_download] => 0 [as_down] => 0 [as_view] => 0 [as_lucky] => 0 [as_poll] => 0 [as_star_score] => 0 [as_choice] => 0 [as_choice_cnt] => 0 [as_re_mb] => [as_re_name] => [as_tag] => [as_map] => [as_icon] => [as_thumb] => [as_video] => [as_update] => [as_star_cnt] => 1 [ast_read] => 0 [ast_adlist_edate] => 0 [ast_adtop_edate] => 0 [ast_extend] => [ast_ultra_extend] => [wr_besttime] => [name] =>
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[content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ
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[content] => 뒤에 나무가 머리카락인줄..
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[content] => 이 사진도 꽤 됐죠. 저 친구 아직도 약하고 살려나...
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This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes. [is_secret] => [date] => 1684879973 [datetime] => 23-05-24 07:12 [best] => [ip] => 121.♡.224.143 [is_reply] => [is_edit] => [is_del] => ) [3] => Array ( [wr_id] => 737998 [wr_num] => -205524 [wr_reply] => [wr_parent] => 737749 [wr_is_comment] => 1 [wr_comment] => 3 [wr_comment_reply] => [ca_name] => [wr_option] => [wr_subject] => [wr_content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ [wr_link1] => [wr_link2] => [wr_link1_hit] => 0 [wr_link2_hit] => 0 [wr_hit] => 0 [wr_good] => 0 [wr_nogood] => 0 [mb_id] => naver_8b00082e [wr_password] => *A092AE52014E4D76C4E9EFA44E21E7127D7FEACD [wr_name] => 마선생님요 [wr_email] => [wr_homepage] => [wr_datetime] => 2023-05-24 07:08:40 [wr_file] => 0 [wr_last] => [wr_ip] => [wr_facebook_user] => [wr_twitter_user] => [articleid] => [wr_1] => [wr_2] => [wr_3] => [wr_4] => [wr_5] => [wr_6] => [wr_7] => [wr_8] => [wr_9] => [wr_10] => [as_type] => 0 [as_shingo] => 0 [as_img] => 0 [as_list] => 0 [as_publish] => 0 [as_extra] => 0 [as_extend] => 0 [as_level] => 124 [as_download] => 0 [as_down] => 0 [as_view] => 0 [as_lucky] => 0 [as_poll] => 0 [as_star_score] => 0 [as_choice] => 0 [as_choice_cnt] => 0 [as_re_mb] => [as_re_name] => [as_tag] => [as_map] => [as_icon] => [as_thumb] => [as_video] => [as_update] => [as_star_cnt] => 1 [ast_read] => 0 [ast_adlist_edate] => 0 [ast_adtop_edate] => 0 [ast_extend] => [ast_ultra_extend] => [wr_besttime] => [name] =>

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[content] => 빵 많이 샀네 ㅎㅎ
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This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes.
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This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes.
[content] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes. [is_secret] => [date] => 1684879973 [datetime] => 23-05-24 07:12 [best] => [ip] => 121.♡.224.143 [is_reply] => [is_edit] => [is_del] => ) [3] => Array ( [wr_id] => 737998 [wr_num] => -205524 [wr_reply] => [wr_parent] => 737749 [wr_is_comment] => 1 [wr_comment] => 3 [wr_comment_reply] => [ca_name] => [wr_option] => [wr_subject] => [wr_content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ [wr_link1] => [wr_link2] => [wr_link1_hit] => 0 [wr_link2_hit] => 0 [wr_hit] => 0 [wr_good] => 0 [wr_nogood] => 0 [mb_id] => naver_8b00082e [wr_password] => *A092AE52014E4D76C4E9EFA44E21E7127D7FEACD [wr_name] => 마선생님요 [wr_email] => [wr_homepage] => [wr_datetime] => 2023-05-24 07:08:40 [wr_file] => 0 [wr_last] => [wr_ip] => [wr_facebook_user] => [wr_twitter_user] => [articleid] => [wr_1] => [wr_2] => [wr_3] => [wr_4] => [wr_5] => [wr_6] => [wr_7] => [wr_8] => [wr_9] => [wr_10] => [as_type] => 0 [as_shingo] => 0 [as_img] => 0 [as_list] => 0 [as_publish] => 0 [as_extra] => 0 [as_extend] => 0 [as_level] => 124 [as_download] => 0 [as_down] => 0 [as_view] => 0 [as_lucky] => 0 [as_poll] => 0 [as_star_score] => 0 [as_choice] => 0 [as_choice_cnt] => 0 [as_re_mb] => [as_re_name] => [as_tag] => [as_map] => [as_icon] => [as_thumb] => [as_video] => [as_update] => [as_star_cnt] => 1 [ast_read] => 0 [ast_adlist_edate] => 0 [ast_adtop_edate] => 0 [ast_extend] => [ast_ultra_extend] => [wr_besttime] => [name] =>
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[content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ
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[content] => 뒤에 나무가 머리카락인줄..
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[content] => 이 사진도 꽤 됐죠. 저 친구 아직도 약하고 살려나...
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This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes. [is_secret] => [date] => 1684879973 [datetime] => 23-05-24 07:12 [best] => [ip] => 121.♡.224.143 [is_reply] => [is_edit] => [is_del] => ) [3] => Array ( [wr_id] => 737998 [wr_num] => -205524 [wr_reply] => [wr_parent] => 737749 [wr_is_comment] => 1 [wr_comment] => 3 [wr_comment_reply] => [ca_name] => [wr_option] => [wr_subject] => [wr_content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ [wr_link1] => [wr_link2] => [wr_link1_hit] => 0 [wr_link2_hit] => 0 [wr_hit] => 0 [wr_good] => 0 [wr_nogood] => 0 [mb_id] => naver_8b00082e [wr_password] => *A092AE52014E4D76C4E9EFA44E21E7127D7FEACD [wr_name] => 마선생님요 [wr_email] => [wr_homepage] => [wr_datetime] => 2023-05-24 07:08:40 [wr_file] => 0 [wr_last] => [wr_ip] => [wr_facebook_user] => [wr_twitter_user] => [articleid] => [wr_1] => [wr_2] => [wr_3] => [wr_4] => [wr_5] => [wr_6] => [wr_7] => [wr_8] => [wr_9] => [wr_10] => [as_type] => 0 [as_shingo] => 0 [as_img] => 0 [as_list] => 0 [as_publish] => 0 [as_extra] => 0 [as_extend] => 0 [as_level] => 124 [as_download] => 0 [as_down] => 0 [as_view] => 0 [as_lucky] => 0 [as_poll] => 0 [as_star_score] => 0 [as_choice] => 0 [as_choice_cnt] => 0 [as_re_mb] => [as_re_name] => [as_tag] => [as_map] => [as_icon] => [as_thumb] => [as_video] => [as_update] => [as_star_cnt] => 1 [ast_read] => 0 [ast_adlist_edate] => 0 [ast_adtop_edate] => 0 [ast_extend] => [ast_ultra_extend] => [wr_besttime] => [name] =>

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[content] => 빵 많이 샀네 ㅎㅎ
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This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes.
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[content1] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes.
[content] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes. [is_secret] => [date] => 1684879973 [datetime] => 23-05-24 07:12 [best] => [ip] => 121.♡.224.143 [is_reply] => [is_edit] => [is_del] => ) [3] => Array ( [wr_id] => 737998 [wr_num] => -205524 [wr_reply] => [wr_parent] => 737749 [wr_is_comment] => 1 [wr_comment] => 3 [wr_comment_reply] => [ca_name] => [wr_option] => [wr_subject] => [wr_content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ [wr_link1] => [wr_link2] => [wr_link1_hit] => 0 [wr_link2_hit] => 0 [wr_hit] => 0 [wr_good] => 0 [wr_nogood] => 0 [mb_id] => naver_8b00082e [wr_password] => *A092AE52014E4D76C4E9EFA44E21E7127D7FEACD [wr_name] => 마선생님요 [wr_email] => [wr_homepage] => [wr_datetime] => 2023-05-24 07:08:40 [wr_file] => 0 [wr_last] => [wr_ip] => [wr_facebook_user] => [wr_twitter_user] => [articleid] => [wr_1] => [wr_2] => [wr_3] => [wr_4] => [wr_5] => [wr_6] => [wr_7] => [wr_8] => [wr_9] => [wr_10] => [as_type] => 0 [as_shingo] => 0 [as_img] => 0 [as_list] => 0 [as_publish] => 0 [as_extra] => 0 [as_extend] => 0 [as_level] => 124 [as_download] => 0 [as_down] => 0 [as_view] => 0 [as_lucky] => 0 [as_poll] => 0 [as_star_score] => 0 [as_choice] => 0 [as_choice_cnt] => 0 [as_re_mb] => [as_re_name] => [as_tag] => [as_map] => [as_icon] => [as_thumb] => [as_video] => [as_update] => [as_star_cnt] => 1 [ast_read] => 0 [ast_adlist_edate] => 0 [ast_adtop_edate] => 0 [ast_extend] => [ast_ultra_extend] => [wr_besttime] => [name] =>
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[content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ
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[content] => 뒤에 나무가 머리카락인줄..
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[content] => 이 사진도 꽤 됐죠. 저 친구 아직도 약하고 살려나...
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This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes. [is_secret] => [date] => 1684879973 [datetime] => 23-05-24 07:12 [best] => [ip] => 121.♡.224.143 [is_reply] => [is_edit] => [is_del] => ) [3] => Array ( [wr_id] => 737998 [wr_num] => -205524 [wr_reply] => [wr_parent] => 737749 [wr_is_comment] => 1 [wr_comment] => 3 [wr_comment_reply] => [ca_name] => [wr_option] => [wr_subject] => [wr_content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ [wr_link1] => [wr_link2] => [wr_link1_hit] => 0 [wr_link2_hit] => 0 [wr_hit] => 0 [wr_good] => 0 [wr_nogood] => 0 [mb_id] => naver_8b00082e [wr_password] => *A092AE52014E4D76C4E9EFA44E21E7127D7FEACD [wr_name] => 마선생님요 [wr_email] => [wr_homepage] => [wr_datetime] => 2023-05-24 07:08:40 [wr_file] => 0 [wr_last] => [wr_ip] => [wr_facebook_user] => [wr_twitter_user] => [articleid] => [wr_1] => [wr_2] => [wr_3] => [wr_4] => [wr_5] => [wr_6] => [wr_7] => [wr_8] => [wr_9] => [wr_10] => [as_type] => 0 [as_shingo] => 0 [as_img] => 0 [as_list] => 0 [as_publish] => 0 [as_extra] => 0 [as_extend] => 0 [as_level] => 124 [as_download] => 0 [as_down] => 0 [as_view] => 0 [as_lucky] => 0 [as_poll] => 0 [as_star_score] => 0 [as_choice] => 0 [as_choice_cnt] => 0 [as_re_mb] => [as_re_name] => [as_tag] => [as_map] => [as_icon] => [as_thumb] => [as_video] => [as_update] => [as_star_cnt] => 1 [ast_read] => 0 [ast_adlist_edate] => 0 [ast_adtop_edate] => 0 [ast_extend] => [ast_ultra_extend] => [wr_besttime] => [name] =>

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[content] => 빵 많이 샀네 ㅎㅎ
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This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes.
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[content1] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes.
[content] => 7 yr. ago
This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes. [is_secret] => [date] => 1684879973 [datetime] => 23-05-24 07:12 [best] => [ip] => 121.♡.224.143 [is_reply] => [is_edit] => [is_del] => ) [3] => Array ( [wr_id] => 737998 [wr_num] => -205524 [wr_reply] => [wr_parent] => 737749 [wr_is_comment] => 1 [wr_comment] => 3 [wr_comment_reply] => [ca_name] => [wr_option] => [wr_subject] => [wr_content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ [wr_link1] => [wr_link2] => [wr_link1_hit] => 0 [wr_link2_hit] => 0 [wr_hit] => 0 [wr_good] => 0 [wr_nogood] => 0 [mb_id] => naver_8b00082e [wr_password] => *A092AE52014E4D76C4E9EFA44E21E7127D7FEACD [wr_name] => 마선생님요 [wr_email] => [wr_homepage] => [wr_datetime] => 2023-05-24 07:08:40 [wr_file] => 0 [wr_last] => [wr_ip] => [wr_facebook_user] => [wr_twitter_user] => [articleid] => [wr_1] => [wr_2] => [wr_3] => [wr_4] => [wr_5] => [wr_6] => [wr_7] => [wr_8] => [wr_9] => [wr_10] => [as_type] => 0 [as_shingo] => 0 [as_img] => 0 [as_list] => 0 [as_publish] => 0 [as_extra] => 0 [as_extend] => 0 [as_level] => 124 [as_download] => 0 [as_down] => 0 [as_view] => 0 [as_lucky] => 0 [as_poll] => 0 [as_star_score] => 0 [as_choice] => 0 [as_choice_cnt] => 0 [as_re_mb] => [as_re_name] => [as_tag] => [as_map] => [as_icon] => [as_thumb] => [as_video] => [as_update] => [as_star_cnt] => 1 [ast_read] => 0 [ast_adlist_edate] => 0 [ast_adtop_edate] => 0 [ast_extend] => [ast_ultra_extend] => [wr_besttime] => [name] =>
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[content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ
[is_secret] =>
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[datetime] => 23-05-24 07:08
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[is_reply] =>
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[wr_content] => 뒤에 나무가 머리카락인줄..{이모티콘:onion-133.gif:75}
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[content1] => 뒤에 나무가 머리카락인줄..{이모티콘:onion-133.gif:75}
[content] => 뒤에 나무가 머리카락인줄..
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[datetime] => 23-05-24 03:31
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[content1] => 이 사진도 꽤 됐죠. 저 친구 아직도 약하고 살려나...
[content] => 이 사진도 꽤 됐죠. 저 친구 아직도 약하고 살려나...
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This guy was found today in a drug smuggling area with his pockets full of money. When questioned by the police he stated it was money for bread. So the officers scolted him to the nearest bakery. You can see the gratefulness in his eyes. [is_secret] => [date] => 1684879973 [datetime] => 23-05-24 07:12 [best] => [ip] => 121.♡.224.143 [is_reply] => [is_edit] => [is_del] => ) [3] => Array ( [wr_id] => 737998 [wr_num] => -205524 [wr_reply] => [wr_parent] => 737749 [wr_is_comment] => 1 [wr_comment] => 3 [wr_comment_reply] => [ca_name] => [wr_option] => [wr_subject] => [wr_content] => 빵은 3천원어치만 사려했는데 내 전 재산 십만원어치 샀어ㅠㅠ [wr_link1] => [wr_link2] => [wr_link1_hit] => 0 [wr_link2_hit] => 0 [wr_hit] => 0 [wr_good] => 0 [wr_nogood] => 0 [mb_id] => naver_8b00082e [wr_password] => *A092AE52014E4D76C4E9EFA44E21E7127D7FEACD [wr_name] => 마선생님요 [wr_email] => [wr_homepage] => [wr_datetime] => 2023-05-24 07:08:40 [wr_file] => 0 [wr_last] => [wr_ip] => [wr_facebook_user] => [wr_twitter_user] => [articleid] => [wr_1] => [wr_2] => [wr_3] => [wr_4] => [wr_5] => [wr_6] => [wr_7] => [wr_8] => [wr_9] => [wr_10] => [as_type] => 0 [as_shingo] => 0 [as_img] => 0 [as_list] => 0 [as_publish] => 0 [as_extra] => 0 [as_extend] => 0 [as_level] => 124 [as_download] => 0 [as_down] => 0 [as_view] => 0 [as_lucky] => 0 [as_poll] => 0 [as_star_score] => 0 [as_choice] => 0 [as_choice_cnt] => 0 [as_re_mb] => [as_re_name] => [as_tag] => [as_map] => [as_icon] => [as_thumb] => [as_video] => [as_update] => [as_star_cnt] => 1 [ast_read] => 0 [ast_adlist_edate] => 0 [ast_adtop_edate] => 0 [ast_extend] => [ast_ultra_extend] => [wr_besttime] => [name] =>

지금 뜨고있는 이슈
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- +6 03.10 1 펜션 뒷정리 논란
- +6 03.09 2 상대방 미모 때문에 할말을 갑자기 까먹은 사육사
- +5 03.08 3 황당한 울릉도 1인당 12.000원 백반정식 영상버전
- +5 03.09 4 아들과 농구로 놀아주는 흑인 엄마 클라스 ㄷㄷ
- +4 03.09 5 친자 검사하자니 아내가 이혼 요구합니다
- +3 03.08 6 4인 가족 식당 가면 몇 인분 시켜야 됨?
- +3 03.09 7 교복 잘 안 입는다는 요즘 학생들
- +3 03.09 8 글만 읽어도 소름) 양산경찰서 수사중
- +3 03.08 9 글씨 이렇게 쓰는 사람은 어떤 사람일까?
- +3 03.09 10 99%가 모른다는 '부부가 싸우는 진짜 이유'
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